About Sawabona
The essence of sawabona is felt when a child realizes what it truly means to see and be seen. After escaping a bullying experience, one child saves another. Perhaps they saved each other

Zella Schwaiger
8 year old Zella played the lead role in this film that narrates a bullying experience.

Denzel Onaba
8 year old Denzel was a first time participant in Vancouver's wildest film competition playing the a member of the biker gang that bullies other children. .

About the Directors
Four homescholed children, who are also actors, decided it was time to put their behind the scenes knowledge to the ultimate test and they joined a 48 hour film making competition. Drawing from each of their strengths they collaborated and created an epic 4 minute film.

Kyrie Schwaiger
10 year old Kyrie played the leader of a biker gang that leads bullying initiatives

Jazlyn Onaba
5 year old Jazlyn played the role of a child that was bullied and duct taped to a playground. She eventually was saved and made new friends.

Emma Chittick
Azura Cordeiro
Nolan Oehr
Denzel Onaba
Jazlyn Onaba
Emilia Pettigrew
Marcus Pettigrew
Atari Schwaiger
Erin Schwaiger
Gary Schwaiger
Kyrie Schwaiger
Zella Schwaiger